<�!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <�html> <�head> <�META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-32BE"> <�title>UTF-32BE Encoded Korean Page without BOM<�/title> <�/head> <�body> <�h1>UTF-32BE Encoded Korean Page without BOM<�/h1> <�p>²äÇLÇ@ Ö³ Õ\­mÅ´ÇX Õ\® ÇLÈÇD ¬°˜²ä ÂÇ<�¸\ ¼0ÅôÕ\ ¬ƒÇt²ä. Åì·ì½„Çt Unicode 2.0/KS C 5700ÅÐÁ ÈÇXÕ\ º¨´à Õ\® ÇLÈÇD ÓìÕhÕ\ ÓðÒ¸¹| Äð¬à Lj²äºt Çt´ä Õ\®ÇD º¨´P ¼ü  LjÇD ¬ƒÇtÉÀ¹Ì, ­ø¸ÉÀ ÅJ¬à KS C 5601ÅÐÁ ÈÇXÕ\ 2350ǐ¹ÌÇD ÓìÕhÕ\ ÓðÒ¸¹| Äð¬à Lj²äºt ÀÁ²ùÂÇX ®Ç¹| ¼ü  ÅÆÇD ¬ƒÇt²ä. <�p>Enumerated below are the first tens of Hangul syllables(for modern Korean) listed in Unicode 2.0(or later) and ISO-10646. If you use fonts with only a subset of 11,172 syllables, you'll find about four fifths of letters are represented as question mark. <�pre> ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬ ¬!¬"¬#¬$¬%¬&¬'¬(¬)¬*¬+¬,¬-¬.¬/¬0¬1¬2¬3¬4¬5¬6¬7 ¬8¬9¬:¬;¬<�¬=¬>¬?¬@¬A¬B¬C¬D¬E¬F¬G¬H¬I¬J¬K¬L¬M¬N¬O¬P¬Q¬R¬S <�/pre> <�/body> <�/html>