Listed below are 24 pages encoded in various forms of UTF-16 and UTF-32 with or without BOM. They're put up to test browser support of UTF-16 and UTF-32. UTF-8 version is available here. 24 combinations come from the following four criteria:

The content of these pages was just taken from an old test page I put up a long time ago for Korean testing and it's not at all comprehensive. Especially, it doesn't have any characters beyond BMP. I may add them later.
fileBOMBE/LEUTF-16/32MIME charset in HTTP header
bom.utf16be.html YBE16UTF-16BE
bom_utf16be.html YBE16None
bom_utf16be.utf16.html YBE16UTF-16
bom.utf32be.html YBE32UTF-32BE
bom_utf32be.html YBE32None
bom_utf32be.utf32.html YBE32UTF-32
bom.utf16le.html YLE16UTF-16LE
bom_utf16le.html YLE16None
bom_utf16le.utf16.html YLE16UTF-16
bom.utf32le.html YLE32UTF-32LE
bom_utf32le.html YLE32None
bom_utf32le.utf32.html YLE32UTF-32
nobom.utf16be.html NBE16UTF-16BE
nobom_utf16be.html NBE16None
nobom_utf16be.utf16.html NBE16UTF-16
nobom.utf32be.html NBE32UTF-32BE
nobom_utf32be.html NBE32None
nobom_utf32be.utf32.html NBE32UTF-32
nobom.utf16le.html NLE16UTF-16LE
nobom_utf16le.html NLE16None
nobom_utf16le.utf16.html NLE16UTF-16
nobom.utf32le.html NLE32UTF-32LE
nobom_utf32le.html NLE32None
nobom_utf32le.utf32.html NLE32UTF-32